Sunday, September 30, 2012

Volunteering and Curry Lunch

Today, I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer for a local Italian community service event.  The Italians definitely take keeping their environment clean much more seriously than Americans do.  Through my school, Lorenzo de' Medici (LdM), we were able to sign up to take part in Pulire il Monde, an event where local Italian non-profit organizations and schools come together to pick up trash and clean Cascine Park.  As soon as we arrived there, they clad us in cute little yellow aprons and hats, gave us brand new gloves, and trash bags.  We walked around the banks of the park picking up as many cigarette butts and other pieces of trash.  It was most definitely a rewarding experience.  There wasn't as big of a turn out, particularly on LdMs part as I was expecting there to be, but I have to say, when you get five dedicated people who are helping out on a Friday morning because they want to, not because they have to, you accomplish so much more.  They even had the local TV news anchors come out to film us picking up trash.  Let me repeat that, LOCAL TV NEWS ANCHORS CAME OUT TO FILM US PICKING UP TRASH!!!  Does this even happen in America??!
Don't we look cute in our yellow aprons, yellow hats, and with our yellow bags? :P
One of the girls getting interviewed! So jealous!
All the cigarette butts we picked up :/ 
What's the best way to reward yourself after doing something super rewarding?!?  EAT ASIAN FOOD!  Duh?!  I had been planning this event for a couple of days.  My mom had sent me a care package of oatmeal and curry and I wanted to invite some friends over and have a feast, since the PB&J  and ramen noodle diet is really doing us no good.  It was so much fun to hear everyone's stories, eat good food, and just enjoy everyone's company.  We've decided to officially make this a monthly thing (at the least).  Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a going-away dinner in December.  I'm excited to see how this semester plays out! c:  Mi piace Firenze!

Udon noodles, ramen, and curry~!
Melody, Sierra, Brianne, Jessi, Mahea, and Anna (from L to R)

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