Saturday, September 8, 2012

Firenze la notte~!

My friend Michelle told me that Roma comes alive at night.  And you know what, so does Firenze.  The day time is great and all but sometimes trying to get past large crowds of tourists can become a challenge and an annoyance.  At night, the real Florentines come out and mingle with the leftover tourists who haven't ran away to their hotels to rest after their daytime adventures.  And I'm not talking about bar hopping or pub crawling.  Although I'm sure that's another wonderful aspect of the Florentine nightlife.  The streets just come alive with musicians, artists, and performers who just love to put on a good show.  Its a great way to enjoy the nightlife without spending all that $$$$$.  I've seen so many talented musicians and artists just doing what they love.  They never fail to put a smile on my face!

Just after the Festa della Rificolona "ended" (after the Cardinal's speech), my roommates and I were on our way back to the apartment when we strolled past a large crowd watching an Italian Charlie Chaplin putting on a mini comedic skit!  It was quite amazing!  And I loved the way he incorporated the crowd into his acts!  I only wish I could find the words to describe what I saw.  But maybe pictures would suffice.

Giving a kid in the crowd a balloon c: but for a price! 
The smiling faces!
End of the show! 

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