Saturday, September 1, 2012

Roomies & the Apartment Life

As promised, here's a post on my new casa and my adorkable roomies!

My bedroom.  I took the side with the window c: teehee

The bathroom was surprisingly very spacious!  I still can't figure out what the toilet next to the toilet is though :/

The hallway/living room.  Very small but cute!

The kitchen!  I don't cook so hopefully I won't be setting this place on fire!

There's even a laundry room!

Finally a closet big enough to fit all of my clothes!  And with room to spare! c: hehe 

I was very surprised when I first saw the apartment.  I was comparing the place by American standards so I was expecting something more similar to an apartment-style dorm.  I didn't realize that what the Italians meant by "student housing" was that they would find an apartment somewhere in Florence for you.  Even though I love my new home, there definitely are some ups and downs.  The quality of the housing is significantly much better than a dorm but its also been very difficult to meet everyone else.  It doesn't help that our apartment is located on the opposite side of the Duomo from where all the other students are staying.

My roomies: "Sierra" (L) and "Melody" (R)
My roomies, "Sierra" and "Melody" (I'm using quotations around their names because they asked me to give them pretty American names).  Both of my roommates are from Korea and even though they both go to the same university, they never actually met until we all moved in.  I was a little worried at first on how I'd get along with them (since my Korean isn't as great as theirs and their English isn't as great as mine) but after a week, I think I'm going to enjoy what this semester has in store for all three of us! c:
It also feels great to finally be the girl with the biggest boobs in the group! (They're both sooo skinny!)

1 comment:

  1. So have you figured out what the toilet next to the toilet is for?
