Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Uhmma says...

Uhmma always says to watch out for men.  As in MEN ARE DANGEROUS, not be on the lookout for your future husband.  I think I always used to laugh at that thought but damn, some guys in Italy really are sketch!

On my first day in Italia, this street artist named Arturo kept trying to grab my hand and kiss me on the cheek.  On top of that, he continually asked me to join him for dinner.  o_____o;;  Thank goodness I took Cross-Cultural Training!

On my second day in Italia, my hostel roommate Mary and I decided to hike up San Niccolo to get a snapshot of the infamous view of all of Firenze.  Halfway through the hike, we ran into an old naked man masturbating in the bushes.  My eyes are forever scarred!! >:O  But considering that public restrooms have a small fee in Europe, I guess he just wanted to save his money and do his business elsewhere? :/

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOL oh girl, i TOLD you that italian men are SUPER forward when hitting on girls! stay safe okaaaay? :)
