Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Praise the Lord!!

Ciao!  I made it to Italia~!  Praise the Lord!!

Molto grazie to everyone (my poor attempt at using Italian) for making my last two weeks in America the most amazing time ever! <3 

Having photobooth fun with Tiresa (L) and Alyssah (R). 
To all the SAs and Ambos, orientation was choke fun, even though I was just a leftover go-for. c: 

To all my APhiO girlies <3
Christinee, Amit, Vanessa, Olivia, Karissa, and Fatima (clockwise from L)

I want to take the time here to specifically thank a couple people c:
Tiresa:  Girl you da bomb!  Thanks yeah for letting me stay with you!  I would have been homeless if it wasn't for you and that futon!  Nah nah...I'm really glad I got to spend so much of my last days with you!  Don't miss me too much yeah? hehe 
Alyssah, Yena, & Taylor:  I'm going to miss you girls so much!  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to hang out with me! <3 
Melissa:  G-biggie :3 If it wasn't for you, I would've missed my flight o____o;;  Thanks for driving me to SFO and taking care of me!  We go do the dancing when you get to Europe~! <3 

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