Tuesday, August 21, 2012

T-5 Days

You guys, I'm leaving America in five days.  Five days.  FIVE days!! 

I don't know how I feel about this.  

Its really starting to hit me that I'm leaving the country for an entire year.  I'm going to be living in a completely foreign country with a culture drastically different from mines.  I'm excited.  I'm scared.  I'm scrambling to figure things out so I don't die the moment I step off the plane.  Gyahhh...FIVE DAYS!!

I have my plane ticket, I finally got my student visa, I'm pretty much all packed, and I have my hostel booked for the first two nights in Italy.  All I have to do now is just go.  But of course, its easier said than done.  Whenever I tell someone that I'm going to be studying abroad in Italy for the whole year, their faces brighten up into this huge smile and they tell me how excited they are for me.  But I don't know if I'm ready to leave yet.  I don't speak a single word of Italian >____<;; ciao...pizza...pasta...gelato...pretty much the extent of my Italian...at least I won't starve.  o____o;; 

I'mnotreadytoleaveI'mnotreadytoleaveI'mreadytoleaveNoI'mnotreadytoleaveYesIamNoI'mnotOMGOMGOMGOMG...I'M GOING TO ITALY...I'M ACTUALLY REALLY GOING TO ITALY~!!!!

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