Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life in Firenze c:

I've only been in Firenze for just three days now and I can already tell that I'm going to love it here.  The sheer beauty of the city is enough to keep me satisfied.
Just the other day, I went on a hike with Mary, my hostel roommate, to see all of Firenze.  It was breathtaking.  And most definitely worth every drop of sweat (its so HOT here!).
So beautifuuul~! <3
Yesterday I got to move into my new apartment~!  Getting there was very difficult as I am on a budget (the sad story of my life).  Who knew that lugging a suitcase (with wheels!), a duffel bag, and a backpack would be so hard?!  But then again, the cobblestones make everything difficult!  I'm so lucky and blessed to have run into a random Italian guy who offered to help me carry my stuff.  He even carried my suitcase up three flights of stairs >o<!  God bless Italia~!<3  Honestly, I wouldn't have survived if I had to carry my 80lb suitcase all by myself.  He didn't speak any English so it was difficult to communicate.  Looking back on it now, I feel really bad that I didn't offer to buy him a cup of coffee or something of the sort (he wasn't much bigger than I was that's why).  More on my apartment and my roomies later~!  I've got to run to orientation now~!<3

Uhmma says...

Uhmma always says to watch out for men.  As in MEN ARE DANGEROUS, not be on the lookout for your future husband.  I think I always used to laugh at that thought but damn, some guys in Italy really are sketch!

On my first day in Italia, this street artist named Arturo kept trying to grab my hand and kiss me on the cheek.  On top of that, he continually asked me to join him for dinner.  o_____o;;  Thank goodness I took Cross-Cultural Training!

On my second day in Italia, my hostel roommate Mary and I decided to hike up San Niccolo to get a snapshot of the infamous view of all of Firenze.  Halfway through the hike, we ran into an old naked man masturbating in the bushes.  My eyes are forever scarred!! >:O  But considering that public restrooms have a small fee in Europe, I guess he just wanted to save his money and do his business elsewhere? :/

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8 Things that I've learned about Firenze so far...

So on my first day in Firenze (Florence in Italiano), I decided to explore for a little bit to get a feel of what the city is like.  It's been a very interesting experience and I'm a little curious to see how this year plays out.  Here are some things that I've noticed:

1.  Farmacias (pharmacies), Pizzerias, and Gelaterias are literally on every corner.
2.  Italians drive on the right side of the road, the same as Americans.
3.  The pigeons here are fatter and slower.  <= Definitely a sign that there's good food around.  And they are not afraid to approach people and their food.
4.  Asians: we exist everywhere.
5.  Beware of bikers, motorcyclists, and cars.
6.  Invest in comfortable shoes.  This is a walking town.
7.  American music is played in every store.
8.  Public restrooms (in Europe?) require a small fee in order to use them.

Praise the Lord!!

Ciao!  I made it to Italia~!  Praise the Lord!!

Molto grazie to everyone (my poor attempt at using Italian) for making my last two weeks in America the most amazing time ever! <3 

Having photobooth fun with Tiresa (L) and Alyssah (R). 
To all the SAs and Ambos, orientation was choke fun, even though I was just a leftover go-for. c: 

To all my APhiO girlies <3
Christinee, Amit, Vanessa, Olivia, Karissa, and Fatima (clockwise from L)

I want to take the time here to specifically thank a couple people c:
Tiresa:  Girl you da bomb!  Thanks yeah for letting me stay with you!  I would have been homeless if it wasn't for you and that futon!  Nah nah...I'm really glad I got to spend so much of my last days with you!  Don't miss me too much yeah? hehe 
Alyssah, Yena, & Taylor:  I'm going to miss you girls so much!  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to hang out with me! <3 
Melissa:  G-biggie :3 If it wasn't for you, I would've missed my flight o____o;;  Thanks for driving me to SFO and taking care of me!  We go do the dancing when you get to Europe~! <3 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

T-5 Days

You guys, I'm leaving America in five days.  Five days.  FIVE days!! 

I don't know how I feel about this.  

Its really starting to hit me that I'm leaving the country for an entire year.  I'm going to be living in a completely foreign country with a culture drastically different from mines.  I'm excited.  I'm scared.  I'm scrambling to figure things out so I don't die the moment I step off the plane.  Gyahhh...FIVE DAYS!!

I have my plane ticket, I finally got my student visa, I'm pretty much all packed, and I have my hostel booked for the first two nights in Italy.  All I have to do now is just go.  But of course, its easier said than done.  Whenever I tell someone that I'm going to be studying abroad in Italy for the whole year, their faces brighten up into this huge smile and they tell me how excited they are for me.  But I don't know if I'm ready to leave yet.  I don't speak a single word of Italian >____<;; much the extent of my least I won't starve.  o____o;; 

I'mnotreadytoleaveI'mnotreadytoleaveI'mreadytoleaveNoI'mnotreadytoleaveYesIamNoI'mnotOMGOMGOMGOMG...I'M GOING TO ITALY...I'M ACTUALLY REALLY GOING TO ITALY~!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Top 5 reasons why I have to visit Venice!

I'm sure there's way more than 5 reasons but here's my list:

Need I say more?  Ever since I watched Anthony Bourdain eat the streets of Venice, I told myself I was going there.  Yeah yeah the mask parties and the beautiful scenery of Venice is to die for but honestly, I just wanna chow down on some Seafood Risotto (YUM!).
How can you resist eating this??! 
2.  Vaporetto Grand Canal Tour
Okay okay.  I know this is really touristy but come on, how often do you get to see Venice??!?  And you never know, the boat driver? might be really cute. :3 hehe 

3.  Watch a Glass-Blowing Demonstration
From what I've heard, Venice offers some amazing glass-blowing demonstrations.  I've never seen one before so why not take the opportunity to do so while I'm in another country.  Even though its one of my reasons to visit Venice, I'm hoping to make this one more of a sporadic adventure--something that I magically stumble upon rather than something that I plan into my Venice itinerary.

4.  Underwater Train
Need I say more?

5.  To Get Lost...
Venice would be an amazing city to get lost in.  Its one of those cities where its touristy enough to feel comfortable to explore and still be able to make it back in time to catch the next train.  The city is breathtakingly beautiful and although you probably can't swim in the water, its still water and probably one of the closest things I can get to a beach.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Pinterest planning!

T - 20 days!
Okay.  So shits starting to get real. 

Over the past couple days, I created a Pinterest board to slowly plan out my European adventure.  There's just too many places that I want to see and explore!  Which you should totally follow!  Just kidding!  Well, not really.  Nothing is completely set in stone but I want to start my adventures by exploring Italy as thoroughly as possible and then slowly working my way out to the outer European countries :3 

I'm open to recommendations on places to visit!  Just leave a comment and I'll for sure try my best to check it out!