Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Start of a New Semester

The day that I was most excited for and dreading finally arrived. Today, I got to move into my new apartment in Firenze. I was excited to finally have a place that I could call my own but I was so nervous about my new flatmates and having to go through the process of having to meet and make new friends. Last semester was a big realization to me of how introverted and shy I am. I do enjoy being sociable but I really need some time by myself to self-reflect and recharge for the next social event. Many of my friends at school only see the social side of me but that's because I could easily hide out in my room and take a day or two to refuel my energy levels. Last semester, there was no place or even any space where I could be alone. Sierra and Melody rarely ever left the apartment and there would be too many people that I would have to walk past around Florence to find a decent quiet space. I was overwhelmed and exhausted from having to force a smile on my face and make myself presentable to everyone else that I was meeting. I just could not deal with it anymore. So the very thought of having to move back into the city and start the whole process all over again, although exciting, made me very anxious and worried. Would my new roommates like me? What would they think of me? Blah blah blah.

My new roomie and I!
But God is so good. My new apartment is twice the size of my last one. We have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a loft, a couch that pulls out into a bed, a cute dining table, a cozy kitchen, and a little patio to have our dinners once the weather warms up. We also live on the other side of the river. It makes a huge difference what side of the river you live on. Last semester, as soon as I stepped out of my apartment complex, I would hear English, Chinese, Japanese, etc. but on this side of the river, I have only heard Italian being spoken. On top of that, my new roommates are the sweetest! All three are Americans. Two of them are from New York and the one I share the room with, Madeline, is from Iowa. And the best part is that Madeline is a Christian! Praise the Lord! All this time I have been praying for a friend/roommate who could go to church with me and God provided! I am actually looking forward to this semester! c: THANK YOU JESUS!

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